Desi Kisse Khud Khushi is a Ullu web series. In this web series Alka Chatwal, Ayushi Bhowmick, Bipin Gupta, Prajakta Jahagirdar played the lead roles. Desi Kisse Khud Khushi was released on 24 November 2023 only on the Ullu App. Here’s the full list of cast and crew of “Desi Kisse Khud Khushi”:
Desi Kisse Khud Khushi Ullu Cast:
Alka Chatwal
As: Bimla
Ayushi Bhowmick
As: Kusum
Prajakta Jahagirdar
As: Anita
Bipin Gupta
As: Ankur
A newlywed bride named Kusum eagerly anticipates her wedding night with her husband, Ravi. However, Ravi, a soldier, is suddenly called away for duty, leaving Kusum frustrated. Mysterious gifts to please herself starts appearing on her window sill, and Kusum is both excited and puzzled by this. She wonders, who is the Secret Santa of her life?
Available On:- Ullu App
Language:- Hindi
Release Date:- 24 November 2023
Genre: Drama, Crime
Director: Punit Goyal